This counts for tomorrow; it's almost after midnight.
And for the two subsequent days. I have a translation to do, so I might refrain from posting. It's the usual work-in-the-morning and study-in-the-afternoon routine - all in the same room; I actually find it complementary and enjoy it.
I enjoy working from home - was never able to comprehend those that admit they would miss getting out of their place. I myself, as soon as I started freelancing, got myself a pair of bathrobes - one for each of my residences (don't you hate hauling stuff when you travel).
A dream job would consist of research and some policy planning. An advisor role. I have to, once again, quote Gore Vidal to death: "Everything would be okay if everybody simply did what I advise". Rest in peace, Gore - they never will.
However, I discovered I have some post drafts saved so you won't miss anything. Here they go, in a neat procession, separated by different minutes of posting.
srijeda, 16. veljače 2011.
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