četvrtak, 8. prosinca 2011.

Objects of Desire

We've craved others as things forever I think, submission, violence and all too, but contemporary capitalism has introduced wanting things - almost sexually.

Today, I eavesdropped on adolescent conversation: it was all about mobile phones. No idea in sight. Phone dictionary thus got to replace command of English. Whee, it knows every word.

Glad as I am that I climbed trees, I now also have a daily changing, and exhaustive, list of things I want. It is important to note the realms of dreams and reality overlap here: thus I do not yearn for a Porsche but a VW. It's also time I upgraded to a tablet; and I do like that shirt-like jacket and need a new motorcycle.

Of course, there's a book on this. Marc Auge would have it "quickly changing life itself is attracting the attention of anthropologists."
Still, with a personal goal of wanting to experience for the sake of it, I say I'm really glad I left paper notes on desk and also that I got to experience instant communication.

One of the wisest things I have ever heard came from an English girl I met whan I was 16: "You can't undo it."

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