subota, 26. ožujka 2011.

A Suggestion

I once wrote of just how easy it must have been to wage the war in Bosnia from the safe distance of Zagreb or Belgrade. Indeed, the same could be said for Iraq or Libya.
Intellectuals may be frowned upon for having "bookish" knowledge and there's a line in Good Will Hunting to the effect Will is a genius but does not know how "it feels to spend thirty years with a woman who then dies of cancer".
The pathetic trips to the field, by say Hillary, are but another joke. Her I would advise to reform Connecticut or wherever she might be based. This is the only thing she does know, and judging from a year of personal experience, it truly merits some reform.
Man has one life only and he should use it well. Even introspection, limited as it is, is better than lunging stupidly into action. Even futile writing or simply joking with friends is better. Or as Emily Dickinson wrote - don't be a frog that cries all day to the bog: "Look at me."

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